Tuesday 20 May 2014

Work Experience

Work Experience:

For my work experience, I applied to five different art galleries, either in Cheltenham or Sheffield, in March 2014. Those galleries were:

The Paragon Gallery

The Wilson Gallery

Castle Fine Art

The Millennium Gallery

Bank Street Arts

To those five galleries, I emailed the following letter:

Dear sir or madam,

I am writing to ask whether you may offer me a voluntary work placement at your gallery, so that I might gain insight into the profession and experience of curation.

I’m a second-year student studying illustration at the University of Gloucestershire with a keen interest in art, and I feel that a placement at your gallery would be highly beneficial to my education. I also devote much of my spare time to drawing or painting, so I feel that such a placement would benefit me in other ways as well.

Although I am currently studying in Cheltenham, Sheffield is my hometown so travel distance will not be an issue. I am definitely able to work on any date before April the 4th. After that date I will probably still be available, but it will largely depend on the day.

I very much hope you would consider me and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Thomas Jones

My First reply came from the Paragon Gallery, stating that they do not offer work placements:

Bank Street arts stated that although they weren’t looking for anyone at the moment, I could sign up for their volunteer program:

I also got a similar response from the Millennium Galleries:

It was the Wilson Gallery that was able to offer me a work placement straight away:

After a few questions about when I’d be able to work and what I wanted to do, I was offered a placement for four days, starting from the 28th of April:

Over those four days I aided the education and outreach department, by helping with demonstrations to school classes, as well as helping show said classes around some of the galleries. This involved a lengthy tour beforehand so I could I be brought up to speed on the gallery. Other than that I also helped in the take away department, cataloging items that would be taken out by schools, university classes and other groups.

Aside from my placement at the Wilson gallery, I also contributed several illustrations for a radio drama being made by students on the Radio Production course. They posted about it on the Beinked Facebook group, and I got in touch with them:

They wanted a little proof of concept, so I quickly sketched up this:

Their reply:

So we met up on the 28th of March to discuss the Illustrations, as well as the possible future of the project. They told me that for now, I’d be working purely for exposure. However they expressed interest in crowdfunding a series of ‘Code Red’, and if it ever took off then we would re-negotiate terms.

I was also given this release form:

After signing that, I set to work and produced these over a period of two days

Which were then used in their crowd-funding campaigns:

And their website:

Group Exhibition - Poster

Group Exhibition - Planning

Daniel Erridge
Edward Fletcher
Josh Wiltshire
Tom Jones

Exhibition of our illustration work framed/mounted and hung, with a possible theme to be decided.

Pittville SU Upper Hall

Price to hire:

Other Costs:
Framing/mounting and hanging supplies
Refreshments (i.e. wine, juice, food…)
Transport of work/supplies
Wood,screws and paint for use as dividers

Gail McMurray (Bar Manager)
Nicole Warfield (Pittville Residential Advisor)
Security (Key Holders for Bar)
Edward Fletcher (Bar Staff & Key Holder)

The bar is already open from 7pm - 11pm/12am everyday and the building is open from 9am every week day. The upstairs hall area which we will use for the exhibition needs to be unalarmed by the on-site security but otherwise Edward Fletcher is fully versed in opening and locking the building and holds his own set of keys. The building is only available for use during term time.

Other features:
The upstairs hall is furnished with tables, chairs and sofas to use as we need. The hall is also situated next to a kitchen and serving area that maybe possible to use for preparation and storage of refreshments for the event. There are many power outlets, large strip lights and large windows to provide natural light. The building also has toilets facilities, including a disabled access toilet. There is also a lift available for any disabled people wishing to view the exhibition.

Business Cards

I made a quick concept of a business card (on easyprint.co.uk), and ordered some.

I was considering hand printing them, but then most of my work is digital, so I figured it would just be easier and cheaper to use an online supplier like Easy Print.

The main idea I had was that the cards should be like little postcards, with all the information on the back, encouraging people to hold onto them longer than they would a regular business card.

Expanding internet presence

Aside from my online portfolio, I have made a tumblr as well. There is not as much on there, but I'm working towards slowly building up a small following and offering commissions.


Monday 19 May 2014

Online Portfolio

Before I made this, all of my previous work was in an unorganized mess over at http://tomdjones.blogspot.co.uk/. There was no quality control, I simply uploaded all of my work up there regardless of how good it was. With this new portfolio I'm sticking with what I feel are my best pieces, it wont be cluttered up with old essays and it's easier to navigate the entire body of work.
